Wednesday, May 22, 2013

EMFs and whiskey and wild, wild women!

If it's Wednesday it must be Morford on the title subjects except for the booze and babes...

I am not making this up. Behold, yet another fascinating study, published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research, where researchers tested nearly exactly what I describe above: A powerful new WiFi antenna, placed on subjects’ heads to see how well it worked and what, if any, ill effects might result.

Can you guess? How many subjects felt hot, dizzy, sickened, even so incapacitated by this strong and experimental WiFi they couldn’t even walk?

Answer: More than half. More than half.

The catch, of course, was there was no WiFi signal; the antenna was a fake. The participants were in no actual danger whatsoever, save for that generated by their own minds, their own expectations, their innate conditionings and fears.

This effect has a name: it’s called the nocebo effect, the “evil twin” of the placebo effect, defined as “the power of our conviction to cause real physical illness.” Sound familiar? Truly, it takes little common sense and merely a glimpse at the totality of the human experiment – along with many other easily available studies – to see the overarching pattern, to understand the nocebo effect to be exceedingly true not merely for technology, but also for food, love, religion, health, fate and much of human life overall.

Conviction creates reality. Energy flows where attention goes. And some people just can’t take it, not one little bit. So they move far, far away.
The "far, far away" link is very interesting and has nothing to do with Shrek's in-laws. Heh.

Let us expand a little. Let us widen the lens to suggest the nocebo effect is perhaps one of the most slippery and dangerous in all of humanity, our convictions about a thousand of life’s supposed daggers, which might also only be feathers, which also might just be nothing at all but nagging phantasms, hollow bogeymen, strange and yappy illusions containing zero actual truth.
I think he must be talking about Republican-land. No wonder they wear tinfoil hats!

There's more.

1 comment:

  1. Well, perhaps that does explain the seemingly contagious insanity?
