Saturday, July 20, 2013

Quote of the Day

From Will Marijuana Farming in Mendocino County, California, Lead America to Pot?

When prohibition ends, some consumers will choose a Big Tobacco or Big Alcohol model, and some will seek out the co-op, farmers market or CSA farm. That’s why we have Dom Perignon and Two Buck Chuck.
Ten bucks a lid sounds about right. Yeah, right, gramps. Heh.

The answer to the question in the title of the article is "Yes, and soon I hope".


  1. $10 a lid..... and good Columbian went for $20.

  2. $15 an ounce, Jamaican Lamb's Breath, 1979-1980. Made my final year at college better than tolerable. My all-time favorite connection. He worked at the Straight too, and he was just a nice guy who was happy to sell it to me at that price.

    Some day, and not too far off, I'll be able to go to a local shop and get half an ounce of Laughing Buddha. That will be a very good day.

    As for those memories of long ago and far away, I find the exceptional potency and high level of botanical science brought to the current product is well worth the higher price.

    Regarding the commercial producers, they will make a fine living, but it really is so easy to grow, if you don't get ripped off, that it won't be as enormous as people think commercially. A lot of people lack the means or interest in growing it, but a lot of people will look at the price of purchase versus the price of growth and opt for growth. I once grew an acceptable plant (for 1978) in a coffee can. Sure, it was just Mean Green, but it worked. If I could do that as a dumbass college kid with a light bulb in a closet, imagine what I could do now with a grow lamp in the basement, hydroponics, and a five gallon bucket.

  3. Hey if that rich bastard in the photo at the bottom could afford to pay for all the silicone in the rack standing next to him? He can afford to treat employees like human beings.

  4. I've never bought any weed with a fancy name. Or bought anyone a rack either. :-)

  5. When I was a lad there weren't all these names: Sour Diesel, Purple Alien, Laughing Buddha. We had Acapulco Gold, sensemilla, Columbian Gold (which was really more brown),and the only other name I knew, Lamb's Breath (a Jamaican variety, very heady, very twiggy). Now I know the fancy names because they tell you the names when you get some and there's a web site where you can look up the characteristics. That Laughing Buddha is my all-time favorite. Try some. You'll be happy to know the name if you can get some. It is kind of a gourmet weed, from what I underdstand.

  6. There was a story in Easyriders many years ago about weed names. The upshot was "Name it yerself, everybody else does." :-)

  7. Try the Laughing Buddha. I can't recommend it enough. Also, for the lowdown on varieties by name, try Because so many strains are so tightly controlled and grown via cloning, the names have acquired a genuine meaning, as have the descriptions of characteristics. The characteristics are still a matter of consensus and not determined by, for example, examining the chemistry of the plant and really studying it at that level, but I suspect, as time goes on, that research will happen.
