Monday, July 22, 2013

Yo, Fat Tony, time to go...

A tip o' the Brain to The Political Garbage Chute.

Scalia blames Holocaust on liberal judicial activism

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, an avowed conservative and self-styled “originalist” in his interpretations of the law, reportedly told the Utah State Bar Association on Saturday that he’s okay with discussing whether orgies relieve social tension and claimed that judicial activism in Germany was partially to blame for the rise of the Nazi regime and the Holocaust.

Word of Scalia’s claims comes by way of The Aspen Times, which reports that Scalia’s speech was titled, “Mullahs of the West: Judges as Moral Arbiters.”

The Aspen Times added that Scalia opened his speech with a clear analogy to Germany in the years before the Nazi Party — during a time Scalia believed Germany to be “the most advanced country in the world” much like the U.S. today. Judges then, he contended, were very open to new interpretations of the law, also like the U.S. today.
"Much like the US today" Inadvertently perceptive and for all the wrong reasons just like then.

Time for the rocking chair, Tony, before you fuck up much else around here.

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