Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bang-head-on-keyboard Headline of the Day

New Poll Shows Louisiana Republicans Blame Obama For How Bush Handled Hurricane Katrina
The stoopid, it burns...


  1. Hello Gordon,

    Just like the plane that has passed the point of no return we have exceeded the stupid quota of the population that once has occurred will not allow a society to function properly. We now have a ringside seat to the destruction of the US of A.

  2. I certainly hope not, but we definitely have too large of an ignorant population.

  3. Louisiana has a bounty of stupid. Despite having an entire lake drain into a salt mine back in 1980 (courtesy of a Texaco 14" drill thru the lake bed into the mine), they claimed no 'sure' cause could be found; and today, with a year old sink hole in Assumption Parish (west of N. Orleans) growing by the day over another cracked salt dome....they all are singing about how "Satan will destroy the earth to destroy man before Jesus comes back for us all."

    Again, why can't the burning stupid spin turbines or something useful?
