Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just sayin'...

If I were Emperor (EOTUS) and be glad I'm not, and it was up to me to retaliate against Syria, here's what I would do:

The chemical rockets were apparently fired from four military bases. I would send FIVE strikes. The four bases and Assad's Palace or White House or whatever it's called. Then five more just to make the rubble bounce because I could.

Then, after a decent interval to allow people's ears to stop ringing and let government agents swarm these places looking for survivors or whatever, five more strikes with chemical weapons, mustard gas, tear gas, shit plant residue, whatfuckinever, to render them uninhabitable for a long fucking time.

Then, just for shits and giggles, I'd find a very remote spot in Syria and blow off a nuke right in the middle of it. Sort of a "knock off the cheap shit" message.

Without too much provocation, I'd do the same thing in the more egregious red states too.

And I'm supposed to be a pussy peace/love/dope Liberal. Heh.

I know I'm gonna get suggestions. Let 'er rip!


  1. Syria is in a civil war with religious divisions. They will keep on fighting until they decide to stop. Like the British did in our civil war, we should just send stuff to our favorite side but not get involved in it.

  2. If i thought it would stop there, I'd say "Go for it"...but I think we will have "boots on the ground" and be caught in another bloody quagmire. So yeah...they aren't going to stop until they are sick of dying, so I'd prefer we stay out of it.

  3. When the US supplies targeting data for someone else's chemical weapons use that's just fine.

    If I were in charge I would do nothing. Because I wouldn't be the worlds cop. And if we do were are sure to be fucked in the long run.

  4. I'm mostly with Montag. If they want to blow each other up - let 'em. I'm sure the MIC will be just as happy selling arms to both sides. Why get involved at all? This is Russia's problem. We sure won't be any more successful forcing Democracy on them than we have been with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan or Egypt. They got no oil for Halliburton to pillage.

  5. The first asshole that demands "boots on the ground" better also propose a universal, no exception draft and a 50% surcharge to pay for it. (It will be a republican, so guess how far that proposal will get !)

  6. Keep going, you were doing fine. You just didn't go far enough...

  7. Merlallen,

    "If I were in charge I would do nothing. Because I wouldn't be the worlds cop. And if we do were are sure to be fucked in the long run."

    Spot on. Why is it that Europeans used to massacre each others for the best part of 2 millenia (as well as massacring most of Africa, East Asia, and the Americas) - but for over 1/2 a century they've at last learned that warring is simply WRONG.

    And why is it that during that same 1/2 century of relative world peace, USA has replaced Europe as the world-wide fascist war-mongering champion? From fucking everything up in South and Central Americas, to Africa and even Asia (middle-east and far east)?

    Is being a fascist imperialist cunt a mandatory requirement to be a US citizen? Something in the local ozone layer, maybe?

  8. You guys are pretty much all correct. I was just venting.

    WhyNot, as far as I know, there is no such requirement to be a U.S. citizen.

  9. I'm an American citizen and am none of those things. Is being stupid a requirement where ever it is that you're from
