Thursday, September 19, 2013

Snippet of the Day

Charles P. Pierce

Uh-oh, without even knowing how he did it, because that is what happens when you wander through the monkeyhouse blindfolded, Tea Party fave-rave Tailgunner Ted Cruz has gotten himself crossways with his fellow nutballs in the House because he has declined to produce magic sparkle ponies from out of his arse.
Heh. Everyone wants a pony, but...


  1. Yeah, everyone wants a pony, but all they get is road-apples and cow pies.

  2. Way off topic...

    Predictable but angering nonetheless - Tom Delay was acquitted on appeal.

    BNS (big neurotic sigh).

    Jay in N.C.

  3. At least he's out of Congress. Best we can hope for, I guess.

  4. We could hope that he becomes road carrion in the very near future. This sob and his entire family need to be eradicated like the malignancy they are.
