Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama to Nation: Keep Your Fuckin' Plans, You Stupid Cowards

Guess Whom

Instead of Barack Obama and the House GOP agreeing that the law is the law and making it function for Americans, we get the sight of Obama appearing before the press corps and saying, more or less, "Goddamn, I'm sick of you motherfuckers whining about your shitty ass health insurance getting canceled because your provider is just a bunch of sick, greedy dickheads who would murder you where you sit if it would squeeze one more cent of profit out of your useless bodies. You wanna cling to your high deductible, low benefit policy for another year because you're scared that the black man president might be right and all that Fox 'news' noise might be wrong? Fine. Fuck it. Kiss my ass and keep your shit plan. Don't come whining to me when it turns out that your insurer drops your sorry ass when you get too sick for it. You asked to be grandfathered in, so lick grandpa's balls and tell me how tasty they are now. Now, can we please talk about the fact that Republicans want to kick over 100,000 people who just got insurance off it?"
Ever so much more...


  1. Gordon,

    "and saying, more or less"

    Lol. Wish he HAD expressed it in those very terms, he'd become nearly as legendary popular as Che Guevara.

    Have you seen the Michael Moore documentary "Sicko"? In short: a group of Americans go to Cuba, get treatment for less than one tenth of the cost in USA; treatments included cures for various illnesses and even advanced dental surgery (implants and what not). Even the medications are less than one tenth their respective cost in USA.

    This documentary should be made compulsory viewing in every school in USA, uncluding kindergartens such as Repugnican conventions.

    Meanwhile, the WHO (World Health Organization) has consistently (over the last 30 years) rated USA's health care system at n°33 in the world.

    Just ahead of Somalia, which rates at n°34. Wow, "fuck me dead" as I was taught by WhyNot during one of his advanced Aussie-speak lessons, what an achievement!

    Can't you guys start another Secession War, and kick all the fascist Republicans states out of USA?

  2. This remeinds me of an anecdote which my warped sense of humor finds hilarious although it is rather sad, if not horrific:

    Many years ago, while I was still living "down-under", I made an on-line friend, Suzanne, whom I later met in the flesh when she came to Oz for a visit.

    Suzanne was in the upper management of a largish private hospital in Florida. In other words she wasn't a nurse, nor doctor, nor surgeon, etc.

    However, she was smart enough to know that a "normal" human being has 2 legs, and that if one of them looks rosy & pinkish, while the other one is all swollen, cyanotic in color and oozes out putrescent subtances all over, it is in dire strait of medical attention.

    Not so for the surgeons of that hospital, apparently. So much so that it was not uncommon for a patient to be amputated of the wrong leg.

    It got so bad that they resorted to a solution which, although it relied on the ability of surgeons to read and understand English, was hopefully devised to reduce that unfortunate tendency:

    To whomever was prognosed as hopeless (in terms of cure) and therefore HAD to be amputated, the newly instituted rule was to stick a large dog tag hanging off the big toe of the "guilty" leg, saying:

    "THIS ONE!!! NOT the other one!!!".

    With medical staff of that caliber, who needs butchers?

  3. If the confederacy wishes to secede again I'm all for it. We should have learned our lesson last time. The rest of us have been supporting their taker/loser asses ever since. They'll come crawling back when OUR tax money quits coming but I don't think even that will shut them up.

  4. Gordon? Does this mean if we quit giving them money NOW they will go away? After all, aren't they the ones who say shit like "Don't feed strays if you don't want them to stay."

  5. Gordon,

    "They'll come crawling back when OUR tax money quits coming but I don't think even that will shut them up."

    Ok, fair enough; how about this, then?:

    Starting with the worst state of them all, i.e. Texas, and since they are so eager to drill oil wells all over the state, how about drilling thousands of oil wells along the state lines bordering the neighboring states. Sort of like a punctured sheet of paper which you stick in a binder, but with the holes right next to each others.

    Then, all you need to do is give it a light kick, and it will detach from the mainland, float around till it gets to the Bermuda Triangle. If that's not enough to sink it good and proper, then the Gulf Stream current will carry it to the North Pole, where lotsa hungry and eager gourmet polar bear are already licking their chops in anticipation. Yum yum!
