Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday Emmylou Blogging

Published on Feb 27, 2014
Going through my old LP collection and converting them to digital format. Lots of old gems have popped up, including this one. Such a melancholy song, made even more so by Emmylou's plaintive voice. What a treasure Emmylou has been, huh? I've been listening to her for over 40 years now. Can't say that about very many artists.

From the album "Cimarron", which I consider to be one of her best, if not *the* best. Written by Clinton Codack and Wendy Special.

I agree.

Thanks to Bob Marshall.


  1. From the looks of the radar you have some time on your hands. Other than outside to blow some snow, it appears you have no reason to leave the house. Digitize away.

  2. That was a quote from the guy that digitized it, not me.
