Monday, February 8, 2016

Oh, the irony...

Ironic Times

Prominent Lender Revealed As Huge Ponzi Scheme in China
Proving they finally get capitalism.
Facebook, Instagram Ban Private Gun Sales
You can still buy a gun on ChristianMingle.
Sanders Has Support From 85% of Millennials
They see him as funny uncle who does magic tricks, Hillary as judgmental aunt who goes shush.
Expert: By 2050, Humans Will Evolve to New Species and Become “Digitally Immortal”
When you start to age and forget things, you get an upgrade.

We reported that, in describing her work at Goldman Sachs, Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi said she was “helping people to achieve the American dream.” In fact, she said she was “helping people who have achieved the American dream.” We regret any confusion caused by our mistake

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