Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday Emmylou Blogging

They say there`s wreckage washing up all along the coast, No one seems know too much, or got hit the most.
Nothing has been spoken, there`s not a lot to see
But something has been broken, that`s how feels to me.
We had a harmony, I never meant to small boats
Lying out in the water, like a slick of oil.
Tide is running out to the sea, under a darkening sky.
The night is falling down on me, and I`m a thinking that
I should head on, head on Home (been gone to long)
Gone too long, leave my roam... Beachcomb.
Little wild kitten out hunting, see what he can get,
You`re in a big city, that won`t stop growing yet.
the sun is going down smoking, a flaming testament
Something has been broken, and it feels permanent.

The little seabird flying, he knows where he wants to go
Quess I ought to pack my stuff, and do the thing I know
Turn around and head on back, along the old sea walls
I felt something give and crack, and now I`m sorry that`s all head on, Head on Home (been gone to long)
Gone too long, leave my roam... Beachcomb.

Thanks to danradu leaf.

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