Tuesday, July 6, 2004

It's Edwards!

MSNBC Breaking News

Sen. John Kerry names John Edwards vice presidential running mate - NBC -

I think this is the best move. I heard the news this morning that he'd picked Gephart. They musta listened to the fucking NY Post. Ain't nobody believes anything in the Post. At least, nobody who lives in New York City. Lambert at Corrente has the Dewey beats Truman-esque headline.

Picking Gephart would have sent a message that it would be the same old Democratic song and dance. The selection of John Edwards portends a Party looking to the future. Maybe an Edwards/Clinton ticket in 2012?

BTW, where the fuck is The X?

Update 14:35: Cheney's got a little wiener. Mr. Edwards reveals the truth over at High Desert Skeptic.

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