Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Veepstakes again

I'm sure X will have something about this when it's undeniably daytime. I put this here (instead of The Fixer) to start the thread.

From Daily Kos:

[. . .]

This year, the Kerry campaign is doing their best to get themselves a serious bounce based on their veep choice, which has given Kerry wall-to-wall positive press for about a week now and should continue for another week. That takes us to the week before the Dem convention, which will be filled with convention chatter, and then the convention week itself.

[. . .]

Given the timing of the veep announcement, vis a vis the convention, and how skillfully the Kerry campaign has managed this (the veep won't join Kerry for his announcement, as to not prematurely tip off anyone to the selection), expect a nice bump. It doesn't hurt that Bush, running out of money, has gone dark the last two weeks in the battleground states.
Our job is to not get complacent, since Bush will get a great deal of it back during the gag-fest that will be the RNC convention in New York.

Complete post.

What got me was the declaration: '. . . Bush, running out of money, . . .' All I have to say is YAY!

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