Saturday, October 2, 2004


From Media Matters:

In the buildup to the first presidential debate, some CNN commentators called the event "a decisive moment"; a "key opportunity" for Senator John Kerry; "the most important night of John Kerry's presidential campaign"; a chance for the candidates to win "the very big prize" of undecided voters; or "a pivotal moment." After the debate, these same CNN commentators said Kerry performed well -- but then downplayed the significance of the debates.

[. . .]

And this from Josh Marshall:

I will spare you any pretense of mock surprise that Fox News is ridiculously biased against the Kerry campaign. But it's one thing to know it and another to get such a blazing and undeniable example of it as a story with fabricated Kerry-bashing quotes put together by the Fox News reporter covering the Kerry campaign.

[. . .]

And Tom Tomorrow:

[. . .]

. . . The gulf between what I observe when watching Bush and what the media report has just grown too wide . . .

[. . .]

Update: 12:45:

Media Matters factchecks Republican operative . . . er, NBC reporter Lisa Myers:

In an October 1 segment on NBC's Today show devoted to fact-checking assertions by both candidates at the September 30 presidential debate, NBC News senior investigative correspondent Lisa Myers distorted Senator John Kerry's statements to cast them as misleading.

[. . .]

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