Wednesday, November 17, 2004

And No Sambo Jokes, Either...

My ol' buddy Wolcott again, this time sounding off on Powell and Rice. Scroll down a little ways to "Rice And Beans". And I don't wanna hear any "taco" or "whole enchilada" jokes, got it?
But her incompetence precedes her, as does her presumptuous statement that for their failure to support the U.S. in Iraq, France should be punished, Germany ignored, and Russia forgiven. Punished, ignored, and forgiven for being right in the first place and refusing to take part in this debacle?--such nerve.

I can exclusively report what finally drove Powell over the brink. Yes, he was bummed by years of being backstabbed by the neocon hawks, most of whom spent Vietnam masturbating in their dorm rooms. But the last straw was seeing and hearing Thomas Friedman on Tim Russert's CNBC weekend show, channeling Bush's voice to advocate that Powell devote himself exclusively to negotiating a peace deal between the Palestinians and Israelis--that he be dispatched to the Middle East deal and not to be allowed to return home until he had one, even if it took a year.

Powell put aside his peanut butter sandwich, muted the remote, pondered all those airplane rides and diplomatic meals, and said to himself, "I'm too old for that shit." And the next morning tendered his resignation.

There's ever so much more in the article.

One thing about Wolcott. It's easy for me to post his stuff because there's not usually much left to say.

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