Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Okay, so maybe I take back a couple of the bad things I said about Jesusland.

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They raised their signs. Fags Are Worthy of Death. Fags Doom Nation. Fag Church. Your Pastor Is Lying. Others involved obscene drawings and references to excrement. One of the protesters dragged an American flag on the ground.

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Worshipers drove through the bottleneck, refusing to engage. Michael Shackelford rumbled past in his truck without notice. Janice arrived minutes later in her Oldsmobile, nervously gripping the steering wheel, eyes straight ahead.

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A burly man with a crew cut gave Michael a thumbs-up. "Man, you be who you are," Shannon Watie said, holding his Bible. "We got your back."

Watie later said that he respected Michael for having the courage to come out. "I have the sin of pride, the sin of lying sometimes," said the 37-year-old father of two. "The reason why Jesus was on the cross was because we all do."

[. . .]

WaPo via Pandagon.

This took place in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Where people of faith and tolerance stood up for what they knew was right and decent and good. Call me an idealist, but this is what America is all about.

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