Tuesday, November 16, 2004

But Colin, we hardly knew ye

Yeah, right. I stole the whole thing from DemVet becasue Jo says it much better than I could.

As the rats desert the ship, the latest one to head for the land of six-figure speaking and seven-figure lobbying fees is Colin "A Man of No Integrity" Powell. Word has it that he'll be replaced by Buh-Wheat in Drag...Preznit Pootie Tang's real wife, National Security Mis-Advisor and Chevron Board Member Condi "Shoop Shoop..it's in the way he kisses" Rice. Everytime I see Kinda-Lying Rice, I wish I had the concession on whatever it is that she puts on her hair.

Once I wondered what Powell would do when he left the 1600 Crew. After all, he got his woefully inadequate son a day-job, lied to the UN and the world, looked the other way as his boss lied, and lied and lied. Then I remember that he was the staff officer who investigated the My-Lai charges, albeit from the safety of his offices at MAC-V, and I know that he'll head off to live out his golden years untroubled by conscience. He gave that away sometime between Saigon and Washington DC, and it's been MIA ever since. Witness: the last four years and the Vietnam-like mess he is a prime architect of through wilful misdirection and deceit.

Colin Powell could renounce all his worldy possessions, take a vow of poverty and live the life of Mother Theresa, and he'd never atone for his performance over the last four years and his culpability for the Iraq War.

And then there's Michael.

And Hecate elaborates on what I talked about yesterday.

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