Tuesday, November 16, 2004


From The Farmer at Corrente:

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The horrendous humanitarian disaster of Fallujah drags on as the US military continues to refuse the entry of an Iraqi Red Crescent (IRC) convoy of relief supplies. The Red Crescent has appealed to the UN to intervene, but no such luck, nor does the military relent.

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Yup, Fallujah is pacified, but at what cost? In addition to nearly 60 troops and over 1000 Iraqis dead, none of the insurgents they were looking for has been captured or killed. I'm sure the Marines (through no fault of theirs) are al-Zarqawi's best recruiters. If we think the Marines' 'success' in Fallujah will begin to ease the tensions in Iraq and pave the way for elections in 6 weeks, we are sadly mistaken.

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