Friday, November 5, 2004

The new look

Dear Readers,

I know I took some of you by surprise with the new look around here, but I've wanted to make this place a bit more unique for a while. After all, Gord and I are certainly unique, just ask our wives. And I didn't want a stock Blogger look so I stole . . . er, found this template that I adjusted to suit our needs. Looks a little classier too, and old folks like Gord and me can read it easier.

Things changed after 2 November and we're fighting a new battle now. To find the best ticket to represent the Left in '08, to get a Dem majority in the Congress in '06 (or at least be on the way to that goal), and to get Chimpy and Co. out of office ahead of time, like we did to Tricky Dick 30 years ago. The goal is (p)resident No Nuts' resignation or impeachment. Criminal indictments would be gravy. That's The Mission now, folks.

Hey, even the Jarheads got new BDUs. Look at this as our new issue too. While the mission might have changed somewhat, Gord and I will continue to provide scintillating conversation and wit, just as we did before 2 November. Thanks for your understanding. As always, comments, good or bad, are welcomed with enthusiasm.

The Fixer

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