Friday, November 5, 2004

"Red" Is Definitely Their Color

From Baghdad Burning:

To the red states (and those who voted for Bush): You deserve no better- I couldn't wish worse on you if I tried. He represents you perfectly... and red really is your color. It's the color of the blood of thousands of Iraqis and by the time this four-year catastrophe in the White House is over, thousands of Americans, likely.

I think "Reds" is a good name for them. During the Cold War (the first Cold War - this will be the second one) that's what we called Communists. For those too young to remember, the "Reds" tried to bring down America from the outside. This time, they're trying to do the same thing, but from the inside.

Our modern "Reds" are mis-guided (literally) to the point of sheer lunacy, and we must fight them with the same zeal and fervor that we fought the old "Reds". Whatever it takes.

After the lecture, here's some fun. Kinda like getting a free sandwich at the mission after listening to a sermon, huh?

I'm thinking of offering up the idea of "Election Condolences" to Hallmark or Yahoo Greetings. The cards can have those silly little poems inside of them, like:

Condolences and heartfelt tears-
You get Bush for four more years!


Sympathies in advance
For when they reinstate the draft!
We hope (insert_name_here) stays as safe as he/she can
And writes frequently while in Iran!


Bush and Cheney- what a pair!
Who said life isn't fair?
While Iraq gets tanks and occupation-
You have idiots to run your nation!

Not for very long, if me n' Fixer have anything to say about it.

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