Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Thanks For Giving Me The Government YOU Deserve, You Stupid Bastards

I am very discouraged right now. On the bright side, I'm angrier than I have ever been in my life. As soon as I get these emotions under control, I'm sure I will be better able to write something constructive, but not quite yet.

In general, I agree with Fixer, but I'm not making any plans to leave. I was born an American and I'll die an American and besides, I have no place to go.

I have always thought Americans, in general, were pretty intelligent. Not any more. What those idiots thought they were voting for is beyond me, but I know what they've gonna get. See Fixer's post. And much more besides. And they took me down with them. Bastards.

I think perhaps the Democrats (me included) gave people too much credit for having brains, that they could not fail to see what these bastards have done and do the right thing and vote Bush out. Wrongamundo. The lowest common denominator prevailed.

I think , over the next four years, the United States is going to come to resemble Bush's beloved Saudi Arabia a lot more than it will resemble the country I grew up in. A forcibly enforced white male chauvinist theocracy. I don't like it already.

I don't think civil war is out of the question, but I hope not. I don't think it will take the bloody path of the last one. There's only a few Americans I want to kill and they're not where I can do it. Lucky for them and lucky for me.

This country will survive four more years of Bush. Germany, after all, survived Hitler. It wasn't a very pretty place by then, and I hope our country doesn't get to that point. It will survive.

What will not survive is our standing in the world. It's not at its lowest point yet, believe me, and it's on its way down more today than yesterday. The rest of the world was holding its breath, not believing that a country as supposedly good as the United States would actually elect an evil person like Bush. Now they know, and we will suffer for it. People who don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks are in for a rude fucking awakening.

One of the things we might have going for us, believe it or not, is the Republican party. The old-style Conservatives say there's going to be an internal civil war within their party. They don't like the neo-con cabal and the borrow-and-spend element that has taken over their party any more than we do. I hope they can get their party back. I think it'll be fun to watch, at any rate.

The media, maybe, hope against hope, will finally wake from its slumber and realize they could have done something about Bush and feel bad. They should feel bad. It's way past time for them to get started and get started they must or we're sunk forever. Grand Juries and Impeachment Proceedings will be a good place to start. The goods on Bush and his cabal are out there somewhere and it's up to the press, probably not TV, to find them and get them out in public.

For now, we must get over this giant shock a little and figure out where to go from here. One thing I know for damn sure is this: I will never get behind Bush's presidency. Small 'p' from here on out when referring to him. As far as I am concerned, we have no President, but rather a junta. Screw the people who voted for him: They were stupid, pure and simple. If anybody thinks our national dividedness, Red v Blue, is going to go away, well, they got another think coming. You ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Fixer, from this point on, we ARE Freedom Fighters. Rifle inspection in thirty minutes.

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