Tuesday, January 11, 2005

And then again, maybe not

I don't know if I agree, but Ezra makes a good point:

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Dean has baggage. Lots of it. And while I'm confident in his ability to quickly silence the final sniggers at his scream, I'm more concerned about his potential to feed negative storylines. Assume Dean wins the race and, despite our best efforts, we lose seats in 2006. It's damn possible, we've got an unfriendly map and a rash of upcoming retirements. With the Great Liberal Hope occupying the top spot, the newspapers and Third Way'ers will have more than enough ammo rerun -- and even amplify -- the narrative of a fringe Democratic party long separated from the mainstream. That'll give the party's conservative wing more power and further alienate our progressive base. Worse, it increases the likelihood that the Party actually will actually engage in another ill-advised lurch to the right.

[. . .]

And he links to the same Gadflyer post about Rosenberg Gordon did. This is what I like about him[Rosenberg]:

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. . . We don't need some old-guard, timid patsy who'll buckle under to the competing complaints of the Party's various constituencies, prima donnas and contract-seeking consultants who are currently paralyzing the Party by trying to please everyone during the campaign at the expense of winning the election.

[. . .]


Shakespeare's Sister weighs in too.

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