Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Devil you know

MSNBC Breaking News

Bush to name Chertoff as secretary of Homeland Security -
President Bush has selected federal appeals court judge Michael Chertoff to be the new secretary of Homeland Security, officials said Tuesday.

About Chertoff:

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Because Chertoff was recently vetted for the federal bench, we assume that he's passed his background check with flying colors, and we won't be hearing about any more World Trade Center love nests, arrest warrants. Mob pals, and all the other things that made the brief Kerik period such a fun time to be a journalist.

That's the "good" news. The bad news is that while Chertoff may lack the whiff of sex scandal that would put the NY tabloids on the case, he's arguably a worse choice than Kerik. In the days after 9/11, Chertoff -- as head of the criminal division under John Ashcroft -- was architect of some of the most regrettable policies of Bush I.

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What's more, Chertoff was responsible for the badly botched prosecution of al-Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, who has yet to be brought to any type of justice even though he was arrested three-and-a-half years ago. Under his leadership, the Justice Department pursued a theory that Moussaoui was "the 20th hijacker" -- despite zero evidence to support that claim. However, that argument has been used as an excuse to deny the American public from information that might prove what really happened to Flight 93 on 9/11.

[. . .]

And we thought we dodged a bullet with Kerik. Schumer's already caved, so's Bill Press on MSNBC, and we got snookered again. Just like they did with 'Abu' Gonzales, the Senate Dems are gonna confirm this guy without a fight because he ain't Kerik. The same way Gonzales 'has to be better than Ashcroft'. Fucking idiots.

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