Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Are you effin' kidding me?*

WASHINGTON - Confronting growing concerns over high energy prices, President Bush on Wednesday will unveil controversial plans to spur construction of new nuclear power plants, provide incentives to buy diesel vehicles and most novel of all: use some old military bases for oil refineries.

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Nuclear power.Bush will call on Congress to provide a “risk insurance” plan to insulate the nuclear industry against regulatory delays if they build new nuclear power plants.

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Dicknose has gone over the edge. Let me tell you about a little place called Shoreham, Long Island.

Late last month, the people of New York State got quite a bargain: the Shoreham nuclear-power plant on Long Island, complete and almost ready to run, a certified $5.3-billion value for only one dollar.

If you wonder why the plant's owner, the Long Island Lighting Company (Lilco), was willing to sell at such a discount, the answer can be found in that phrase ''almost ready to run.'' All Shoreham lacks is an operating license, for which it has been waiting since its completion in 1984. It doesn't have an operating license because the State of New York and its creature, Suffolk County, have refused to take part in developing the emergency-evacuation plans that are a requisite to securing the license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). . .

This was written in 1988. Know what Shoreham is doing, 17 years later? Nothing. It's falling into the ground. I'm still paying for that white elephant and I will be for about 20 more years. I'm gonna be paying more when the containment begins to fail and they have to sink more money into the place to keep it safe. When people see places like Shoreham, and the money we have to sink into working plants like Indian Point and Yankee in order to protect them from terrorists, they're not gonna want to pay for it. Especially if it does nothing for them in the short-term. Personally, I'm in favor of nuke plants, but in the current post-9/11 climate, it ain't gonna happen. Not in my backyard anyway.

Update: 18:30:

I was listening to (p)resident Drooling Sphincter on the ABC World News talk about 'fixing' the problem of energy dependence. As a mechanic, when I hear the word 'fix' I expect the fucking thing to work when the 'fixing' is over with. So far, everything Chimpy's 'fixed' is broken.

*No relation to RUFNKM.

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