Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Don't take your guns to town, boys...

Well, just as Florida makes it legal to pre-emptively blow folks to Kingdom Come if they scare you (aka the Bush Doctrine), a real Cowboy State has decided that guns and alcohol don't really mix all that well. From AZ Central:
Gov. Janet Napolitano said no on Monday to mixing guns and alcohol in Arizona nightspots.

The end of an era. No more "Go fer yer hog-leg, Slade! I'm a-callin' ya (hic) out, ya varmint!"
"We're happy she recognized that it's dangerous for our employees and for the industry as a whole," said Miglino, who owns Nixon's at the Esplanade. "It is also exciting for the recognition of the hospitality industry and how important it is to the state. You can't mess with the golden goose, which is tourism in Arizona."

Yeah doggies, blow the sonofabitch to hell and feathers, no more Golden Eggs! I think people vacation in Arizona half hoping to see an Old West shootout. People don't vacation in South Central L.A. for the same reason.
Eric Edwards, executive director of the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police, said, "Guns don't mix with booze any better than driving has."


Please keep in mind that it's legal to carry a handgun in Arizona without a permit as long as it's in plain sight. A lot of folks do and nobody freaks out over it. Guns are openly and legally bought and sold at swap meets. Try either one of those in California, go to jail.

While this law seems a little trivial, it shows that Arizona, a notoriously Red State, is slowly changing due to an influx of less-conservative people fleeing California's taxes and up-tight, restrictive laws.

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