Wednesday, April 20, 2005


WASHINGTON, April 19 - A surprise last-minute defection by an Ohio Republican forced the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to postpone a vote that had been scheduled for Tuesday on the nomination of John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations.

The chairman of the panel, Richard G. Lugar, Republican of Indiana, reluctantly agreed to put off any vote until next month to allow a review of what Democrats portrayed as troubling new accusations that cast doubt on Mr. Bolton's temperament and credibility.

[. . .]

"My conscience got me," he [Sen George Voinovich, R-OH] said after the stormy two-hour session. He said he had gone to the meeting planning to vote for Mr. Bolton, but changed his mind after hearing the case against the nominee made by Senators Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware and Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, both Democrats.

"I wanted more information about this individual, and I didn't feel comfortable voting for him," Mr. Voinovich said. [my emphases]

[. . .]

Tell (politely, please) Senator Voinovich that you appreciate his attack of conscience and the fact he is setting an example for other Repubs to follow:

Voinovich, George - (R - OH)
(202) 224-3353

Bolton is a certified madman and should be living in a room with rubber wallpaper, not representing this nation at the U.N. Jo says it best:

John Bolton no more deserves to be the UN Ambassador than the man-in-the-moon. M-O-O-N spells Snivelling Lackey. (apologies to Mssr. King, but what's up with all the self-referential stuff in DT VII?)...anyhow back to the latest incompetent up for promotion by the 1600 Crew (latest in a long line, no?)

[. . .]

Call, write, and email everyone you can and insist they vote against Bolton's appointment.

Update: 06:00:

Via Glen, more Repub dirty tricks in the effort to get this shithouse rat confirmed.

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