Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"Joey Rats" Helped Bush Defeat Kerry

From AFP in Truthout:
German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (aka "Joey Rats" according to Jon Stewart - ed.), the Vatican theologian who was elected Pope Benedict XVI, intervened in the 2004 US election campaign ordering bishops to deny communion to abortion rights supporters including presidential candidate John Kerry.

Sharply divided on the issue, the bishops decided to leave the decision on granting or denying communion to the individual priest. Kerry later received communion several times from sympathetic priests.

Nevertheless, in the November election, a majority of Catholic voters, who traditionally supported Democratic Party candidates, shifted their votes to Republican and eventual winner George W. Bush.

No wonder Bush broke tradition and went to John Paul II's funeral. He knew, as did the smart money, that Joey Rats was the prime candidate to be the capo di tutti capi of the Roman Catholic Mafia Church. He owed the new guy. Or maybe Bush wants to get some pointers on how to control a tremendous number of people by telling 'em what God wants and threatening them with everlasting damnation if they don't do it. Bush would love to be able to do that. Popes make presidents look like pikers in that department.

I fell away from the Church many years ago when I realized what a fuckin' racket it is. Possessed of untold wealth, it allows many of its sheep to starve. It conflates its own self-serving traditions with the desires of the Almighty and gets it to stick. Its blind rituals cause a lot of people to feel guilt and suffer over things that are beyond their control and aren't spiritually important anyway.

Butting into U.S. politics where it doesn't belong is one more reason I was right to drop out. The Church is a medieval organization that got the power it has during the Dark Ages and would like nothing better than to return the world to those times when it had unlimited power and the Hell with the rest of us. Pun intended.

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