Monday, April 18, 2005

A few things

Lance Armstrong: Armstrong says he'll retire after Tour de France. Good, let somebody else win, you nutless wonder. I'm sick of seeing your ass. Way to go with Cheryl Crowe though.

Tom DeLay: DeLay ducks ethics controversy in NRA speech. I used to be an NRA member. I used to be a Republican too. As far as I'm concerned, both of them have gotten away with far too much for far too long. DeLay is the epitome of what has happened to the Republican Party over the past twenty-five years and the NRA has turned into a distorted, perverted caricature of itself. Both of them should go the way of the dinosaur.

The Pope: No white smoke yet. Yeesh! See Lance Armstrong above. I'm sick of hearing about the fucking Pope. Maybe, if the Catholic Church ever found itself in the same century as the rest of the fucking world, I could get on the bandwagon. But when you have celibate men giving advice on marriage and relationships, when you have a problem with Africans using condoms to halt the spread of AIDS that's killing them by the millions, when you preach abstinence over birth control, you're irrelevant and out of touch in my book. Shut the fuck up about the Cardinals and get off my fucking TV.

Michael Jackson: Just fucking die, please. Anything so you get OFF my fucking TV, you mutant fuck. I hope they put you in General Population in Folsom and some big, hung-like-a-horse brother makes you his wife. You know how they love white women.

Now I feel a lot better.

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