Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Well said

I missed Lambert Strether while I was gone. (No, TCF, it wasn't the Betty Ford Clinic. Remember, reality is just a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.):

[. . .]

No, but seriously, folks—Doesn't Bush remind you of one of those guys you read about in The Metro? The kind who claims you can make money at home in your pajamas if you just follow his few easy steps? And take his course or buy his software? "I'm President Bush! And I'm known for my bold and daring challenges!"

[. . .]

I watched President Dicknose on TV yesterday. If he were selling cars, he'd be out of business in a week. Bush couldn't sell ice water in Hell when it comes to Social Security 'refrorm'. Bush's last bold challenge was Iraq, and even the Jesus-freaks see how he's fucked that beond recognition, though they'll never admit it. 'Hey, kill other peoples' kids, but you ain't fucking up my Social Security.'

And, regarding Bush's falling job approval ratings, how come all these fucking people are waking up now? 51% of you voted for this asshole last Novenmber. Did you actually think he'd get better, you idiots?

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