Monday, April 25, 2005

Holy War Sunday

Man, there's a lot of shit flyin' today about this clusterfuck. The Louisville Courier-Journal chimes in about the judge nominees that are the cause of it all. I wouldn't feel safe fighting a fix-it ticket in front of these idiots. Via Truthout.
At the rate things are going in American politics, next week will bring ads by the Noah's Ark Veterans for Truth claiming that the two Democrats on board were actually stowaways, whom God had intended for drowning but who snuck on cross-dressed as gayals.

It should be called, "Injustice Sunday: Demean the holy and foment schism for partisan gain."

Whatever you think of these nominees and the Democrats' filibuster of them, it is not the religious faith they possess, but the judicial qualities they lack -- restraint, balance, experience, respect for law -- that have brought the nation to this sorry point

There's Priscilla Owen, the token white woman and Texas judge whose eagerness to substitute her own values for the rule of law was too much for even Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who rebuked her for it when both served on the same court.

There's Janice Rogers Brown, the token black woman and California judge who believes that our vibrant nation of free-market capitalism -- this economy of Wal-Marts, Pfizers and Enrons and of Googles, Yahoos and Apples; this home of a pitiful $5.15 minimum wage and of a staggering 44 million people without health insurance; this land of soaring CEO pay and declining real wages for workers -- has actually been crushed by the boot of collectivism ever since what she calls the 1937 "triumph of our own socialist revolution."

There's Brett Kavanaugh, who has never tried a case, but rose from Ken Starr's impeachment crusade to become a White House operative.

There's William G. Meyers III, who also lacks trial experience but who has put in plenty of time rabidly fighting against environmental laws and in favor of mining interests.

And there's William Haynes II, whose meager courtroom work is offset by his considerable contribution, as the Defense Department's counsel, to the shameful abandonment of America's deepest legal principles regarding the treatment and rights of prisoners of war and detainees.

It's no wonder their advocates are so intent on diverting attention from their legal limitations, ideological excesses and partisan activism with claims of anti-Christian discrimination.

But religious martyrs, they're not -- nor jurists worthy of the damage their nominations are doing to both politics and religion.

Frist is using the Retardiligious Right and their hatred (a fine christian quality) of "activist judges", you know, the judges who rule by law rather than bigoted pseudo-religious political ideology that fits their demented vision of the future they wish to impose against the rest of us, to further his own personal political ambition, i.e. a presidential campaign. Someone better dab a loop around this idiot and tell him that the 13% of Americans who felt that intervention of Congress in the Schiavo affair was a good thing ain't enough to elect his pathetic ass.

Nah, I take it back; let him run with this deflated football. He's showing his ideology-trumps-reality pipe dream to the American public. A lot of us are getting sick and tired of this religious agenda. Just like it's the Republicans who will pull down DeLay and offensive presidential nominees like Bolton (I hope), it will be the real Christians who will stop this crap because it makes them all look like hateful morons. They have to be the ones who do it. Anyone else would drown under the whine of "religious persecution".

I hope when the God-based bigots and their political users reach the end of their rope, their feet won't quite touch the ground.

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