Monday, April 25, 2005

Justice Sunday


Remember last fall when Whoopi Goldberg made a joke about Bush at a Kerry fundraiser and the GOP went crazy? Ken "Straight but not on the record" Mehlman called it a "hatefest." The lapdogs in the mainstream media all obediently tagged Kerry with Whoopi's remarks. It was such a scandal....neverminding the fact that Whoopi is a comedian.

The right wingers are always pulling stunts like this, linking comedians to Democratic politicians as if the Dems. are responsible for their acts.

Fast forward to today's radical right wing hatefest: "Justice Sunday - Stopping The Filibuster Against People of Faith." This event is not being hosted by comedians or entertainers. It is sponsored by political professionals who have very close relationships to the White House, the RNC and the GOP leadership in the House and Senate.

[. . .]

They should have renamed it 'Just Us Sunday'. (I owe somebody credit for that, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I saw it. STML*) It's only hate when us Liberal, Commie-Pinko, Baby-killing, Jesus-hating, anal sex-loving, heathens say something against the Repubs. When they engage, they're protecting something. Be it Jesus (whom I doubt needs any protection from Bill Frist), or marriage, or whatever. The American Taliban are gonna have a rude awakening sooner rather than later. (See Gord's post below.) Already there are die hard Repubs I know (who told me I was crazy when I said the Christo-Fascists are taking over 6 months ago) who now see their party as a laughing stock at best and marginalized at worst. I'm willing to wager that if the 'Christian Wing' of the party keeps up this 'God in government' push, many are gonna jump ship in '06.

And just an aside to the Jesus-freaks: Do you actually think God and Jesus need you to protect them from us? If you do, you have an overly high opinion of yourselves, you ignorant assholes. If God's on your side, you can sleep well knowing when He gets tired of my colleagues and me reaming your asses, we'll be smited (smote? smitten?, no not smitten). Remember Noah? The boat? The Animals' Swingers Club? (All them couples reminds me of Plato's Retreat. It does sorta explain the diversity of species' though.) He don't need you to help him out, trust me. Dickheads.

*STML=Short Term Memory Loss

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