Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Skank Central

As we all know, Time magazine, which I have subscribed to for over thirty years and my family for thirty years before that, finally took leave of its senses and made Ann Coulter, the exemplar of white trash and all that is currently wrong with the American media, its cover girl (shudder). Hitler, OK. Idi Amin, fine. Manson, sure. Bush, well, everybody fucks up. Howsomever, this one takes the cake.

Cursor has thoughtfully provided a page with links to quite a few folks who have something to say about Time's losing its mind and putting that ____ (nasty four-letter word that I don't like to use; rhymes with "blunt") on the cover. Go read. Fun.

Update: Go read Wolcott on this subject. Scroll down a little.

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