Tuesday, April 19, 2005

ToDay's DeLay Part II

Damn, this DeLay shit's comin' fast and furious. It's getting hard to keep up. I fuckin' love it! I hope to be the first to bring you the tar-and-feather conclusion sooner rather than later, but for now here's Molly Ivins:
Tom DeLay, of all people, recently issued a fatwa on the need for good manners, a concept so bizarre there is no appropriate comparison. Let's reserve it as a future simile: "... as weird as the time Tom DeLay gave us all a lecture on manners."

In his new role as the Emily Post of politics, DeLay informed us, "It is unfortunate in our electoral system, exacerbated by our adversarial media culture, that political discourse has to get so overheated, that it's not just arguments, but motives are questioned." Did someone question his motive in taking an all-expenses-paid vacation from a lobbyist?

This would be the same Tom DeLay who said, "Screw the Senate," when he learned Bob Dole had cut a deal with Clinton to end the government shutdown caused by Newt Gingrich.

"We're in charge. We don't have to negotiate with the Senate." Same as above.

There is much more from DeLay that is unprintable in a newspaper. For some rich samples, try "The Hammer" by Lou DuBose, my sometime writing partner.

As to DeLay's claim of a vast left-wing conspiracy out to destroy the conservative movement, nonsense. I like conservatives. They're opposed to all questionable adventures abroad and for fiscal prudence and responsibility. It's right-wing nuts I can't stand.

Never thought I'd say this, but Amen to that. A good old-fashioned asshole conservative would look pretty good right about now.

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