Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Wolcott on Joey Rats

Wolcott's a pissah!
His brain warm with Stove-Top Stuffing, Goodwin is one of those phony Sensible Moderates in the Glenn Reynolds/Mort Kondracke mold (and I do mean mold) who is always pretending to lecture and advise liberals for their own good. Forever telling Democrats to tone down their rhetoric, moderate their message, lose Michael Moore, embrace family values, act more hawkish, etc.

Today Goodwin ventures into theology without a map or a clue, treating the Catholic Church as if it were the Bush Doctrine in liturgical vestments.

"When our hearts sink because beloved baseball players are discovered to be chemical freaks or admired merchant princes turn out to be crooks, we can count on the Pope. He will be steady, consistent, unshakable."

I was raised Catholic, and even we never believed anything that moony. We loved Pope John XXIII, but we knew he had a lot of predecessors that didn't trail glory through the record books. The slightest acquaintance with Catholic history turns up popes who were as shady and crafty as the "merchant princes" Goodwin fancies still rustle among us.

So if Pope Benedict XVI continues to stigmatize homosexuals and condemns condom use, resulting in the further spread of AIDS in Africa and elsewhere, he's cool with that? He'd prefer consistency and message discipline over sanity and compassion?

Why am I even bothering to raise the questions? Of course, he would. Floodwaters could engulf both coasts, and Michael Goodwin, wearing a snorkel, would applaud Bush and Cheney for remaining steadfast in denying the existence of global warming.

I have no comment other than Wolcott should be on everybody's "daily read" tour.

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