Wednesday, April 20, 2005

What's good?

Re: My post below.

Ol' Yelladog has a great post up and it's something we can (have to) push:

That title is a bit facetious, but seriously... Roxanne recently had a great thread recently titled "What's so great about America?" and I read it with great interest.

[. . .]

The belief in the struggle for justice is deeply ingrained in the American character. Look at Abbie Hoffman, Cyrstal Lee Sutton, Karen Silkwood, John Brown, W.E.B. duBois, Mitch Snyder...

Every one of these people has touched your life. The Right would prefer that we forget all of them, and fall to our knees in abject deification of Nelson Rockefeller, Prescott Bush, Donald Trump and the fat oligarchs that run the country now. It kinda bothers me that no one saw fit to mention that rowdy and rebellious streak that typifies the thorniness of the American Left of the past 100 years.

That's our legacy, folks. That's the mantle we need to pick up and teach each other. They're not going to teach it to our kids in school

[. . .]

Let's get back to our roots. Let's hold up our icons, the agitators, the ethical, and the principled, the fair, and the good. The Republicans can't match our roster, because all their guys wear suits and only care about the bottom line. The Left cares about people and we have a Murderers Row of Hall of Famers to back it up. The Dems, and those farther left, have to remind the reg'ler folks the good that has been done for the common man. Who're ya gonna believe, the Party of Parks and King or the Party of God and Money?

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