Wednesday, May 11, 2005


"You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel." - Darrell Waltrip

From the Lady of the Lake:

[. . .]

For the past six consecutive months, Fox News Channel's ratings in the all-important 25-54 age group (the ones most likely to buy whatever Fox advertisers are selling) have declined versus the previous month. Fox defenders were quick to leap to O'Reilly's defense today, saying everyone's ratings peaked around election time and then went down again. But in April 2005, FNC's weekday primetime demo average decreased 25% compared to the same time period a year ago. CNN's, on the other hand, increased 27%. Only on a network well-versed in promulgating the war in Iraq as an unqualified success could these numbers be smeared with lipstick and sold as a "triumph."

[. . .]

[nelson muntz] Ha-ha! [/nelson muntz] The wheels are coming off. Heh.

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