Wednesday, May 11, 2005


"Breathe in the air,
Don't be afraid to care." - Breathe - Pink Floyd

"Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room." - Late Lament - Moody Blues

From the Sister:

[. . .]

It is the deadliest target in a swath of industrial northern New Jersey that terrorism experts call the most dangerous two miles in America: a chemical plant that processes chlorine gas, so close to Manhattan that the Empire State Building seems to rise up behind its storage tanks.

According to federal Environmental Protection Agency records, the plant poses a potentially lethal threat to 12 million people who live within a 14-mile radius.

[. . .]

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What’s unbearably annoying is that on the same day I’m reading about such a huge security gap, questions about which directed to the administration would no doubt be met with excuses about funding, . . .

Who cares, the NY Metro Area is in blue states. That's why Cheyenne, Wyoming gets more Homeland Security money per person than NYC does.

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