Friday, May 27, 2005

A Slight, But Encouraging, Trend

I am struck today by the hopeful tone of our posts. (Just scroll down. I'm lazy.) It appears that folks are starting to notice there's been something shoved up their butts by this administration and may at last be trying to do something about it. Bush, Bolton, DeLay, Specter, even the "Referrals".

Fixer says it well:
It's coming apart, boys and girls. The Dems are finally growing some sack. It's good to see. This is how you deal with bullies who are all flash and little substance. You get in their face and dare 'em to call you out. 9 times out of 10, they'll back down and crawl away. You know what we call 'em in NYC? Loosahs.

We call 'em about the same thing, but without the accent.

Not just the Dems, either. Keep it up, boys and girls.

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