Friday, May 27, 2005

This is good

Maybe I can unpack my road box?

Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) offerred the following amendment to the House defense appropriation (H.AMDT.214 as an amendment to H.R.1815).

"It is the sense of Congress that the president should—

(1) develop a plan as soon as practicable after the date of the enactment of this Act to provide for the withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq; and

(2) transmit to the congressional defense committees a report that contains the plan described in paragraph (1)."

[. . .]

From Holden at First Draft. This is also related to Gord's post below.

Things are looking up maybe? It's nice to see somebody thinking about the endgame. Maybe the discourse will become louder. Maybe I won't get drafted after all.

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