Monday, June 13, 2005

Hollywood - The Sequel

I wrote about this Saturday:

"The U.S. Special Operations Command has hired three firms to produce newspaper stories, television broadcasts and Web sites to spread American propaganda overseas.

"The Tampa-based military headquarters, which oversees commandos and psychological warfare, may spend up to $100 million for the media campaign in the next five years."

Now, I was a Forward Air/Combat Controller. I look at PsyOps as a general waste of time. If you have an enemy, blow 'em all to Hell, that's what I say. Fuck the head games. There ain't no better psy op than shit blowing up all over your enemy's capitol city. Why do you think they call it 'war'?

Well today I read about just whom SOCOM* hired to help them 'win hearts and minds'. From Corrente:

The U.S.-led military force in Iraq has awarded a seven-figure PR contract to Washington, D.C.-based Iraqex, a year-old business clearinghouse company formed specifically to provide a swath of services in the war-torn country.

Iraqex was set up by Lincoln Alliance Corp., a D.C.-based business "intelligence" company that handles services from "political campaign intelligence" to commercial real estate in Iraq

[. . .]

What gives Mr. Bailey the level of expertise needed to get these Bux to make the Iraqi people love us like the ungrateful bastards are supposed to? I mean, there were Other people Who Wanted In On This Gig, but they didn't get it. Mr. Christian did. Why?

Well, he:

--Has Experience.According to ODwyer, apparently a PR firm about PR firms.

[. . .]

Yup. The guy's got every qualification you could ask for to run a multi-million dollar psy-ops/PR/propaganda gig, or at least produce novelty items. Let a hundred flowers bloom, Chris. They need the petals for the parade.

Note to the powers that be: You already blew the opportunity to win hearts and minds. Two years into this and we'll be lucky to get out with them merely hating us. All you're doing is letting another incompetent asshole get rich off this illegal war.

*Special Operations Command

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