Monday, June 13, 2005

Monday DSM Blogswarm

In case you were out this weekend:

Saturday: 1 - 2 - 3

Sunday: 1 - 2

More links at Freiheit und Wissen and The Heretik.

And this today from the Sister:

[. . .]

[Rep. Maxine] Waters told the crowd that Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean had received attention for criticizing the Republican Party in recent days, but that "he did not say enough."

"Bush is a liar," Waters said, according to an observer who phoned "He lied about weapons of mass destruction and he lied about the war."

Waters called Vice President Dick Cheney "a thief," and said that he was stealing for Halliburton.

And Waters said that Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice will "go anywhere and say anything they tell her to say, and have the audacity to do it with a smile."

[. . .]

Good on Maxine. We have to keep this in the forefront, ladies and germs. Click on the 'Complaint Department' link to Congress and start bitching. The links above and the Big Brass Alliance site will give you enough fodder. Remember, Sen. Conyers is holding hearings on Thursday too. Well, what are you waiting for? Get on it.

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