Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ivins on DSM

I like Molly Ivins and value her opinions. She chimes in on the media mishandling and back-pedalling (aka coverin' its ass) on the DSM. Go read, but here's the upshot:
I don't know if these memos represent an impeachable offense -- although I must say, I don't want to bring up the Clinton comparison again. But they strike me as a hell of lot worse than anything Richard Nixon ever contemplated. He used the government for petty political vindictiveness. Heck, I'd settle for that again, over what we're looking at now.

The irony of Deep Throat surfacing after all these years in the midst of this memo mess is almost too precious. Does The Washington Post have any hungry young reporters on Metro anymore? I'd say, start with: Who did Dearlove meet with besides George Tenet?
She's right. This mess needs to be investigated from Hell to breakfast, by Congress for sure, but also by an investigative reporter with the stones to do it. If there are none of those left, we might as well spread jam on ourselves, 'cuz we're toast.

Some of you folks have read the entire Briefing Papers from top to bottom, I am sure. What questions that need to be asked were raised in your mind?

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