Tuesday, June 21, 2005

No Bolton

From Michael Stickings at The Reaction:

The Bolton nomination continues to go nowhere, as Democrats stood firm once again on Monday to prevent it from going to the floor for a final vote. The Times reports here:

(p)resident 'Bring It On' is gonna have to do his own dirty work here. He'll have to use a recess appointment to get Bolton in place. The only people who'll be happy about that are his Christo-Fascist, Jesus freak, chickenhawk base. How many Repub senators (the so-called 'moderates') do you think this is gonna piss off? Wave goodbye to some more of that 'political capital', moron. The people you're dissing now were the margin you needed to push your crazy policies through congress. Good luck with that from now on. Did you say 'Energy Bill'? Did you say 'Social Security Reform' [cough]? Ha-ha-ha-ha!

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