Tuesday, June 21, 2005

John Kerry = Spineless weasel

Via True Blue Liberal:

WASHINGTON - Walking a tightrope on a politically charged issue, Sen. John F. Kerry vowed weeks ago to raise the controversial ``Downing Street Memo'' as an issue in Washington, but has since publicly held his tongue on the matter.

Instead, Kerry has been enlisting other senators to sign onto a letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee seeking answers about the memo, aides said.

[. . .]

Just say 'no' to John Kerry in '08. Fucking pussy. I (and a whole bunch of others) stood by you last year, supported you, defended you against the Swift Boat accusations, and busted my ass to try and get you elected. It turns out you're just a spineless ass who doesn't want to go on record about anything, lest something you say can be used against you. You know, once upon a time, you thought nothing of engaging the enemy and fighting the good fight. What the fuck happened to you, man?

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