Friday, September 30, 2005

Ah-nold betrays his gay past...

I know most of you couldn't care less about our governor. I also know there's nothing funny about discrimination under color of law, but I'm playing this one for laughs anyway. From Direland.

Radar -- the sassy new pop culture magazine edited by Maer Roshan (right) and bankrolled by Mort Zuckerman (lower left), the real estate mogul who owns the N.Y. Daily News and U.S. News and World Report -- has published on its website a catty contrast of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's veto of the bill legalizing gay marriage in California with Arnold's past, which included many gay friendships that helped launch his bodybuilding career with "the gay sugar daddies of the international bodybuilding circuit." Schwarzenegger yesterday vetoed the bill, passed by the state legislature, that would have made marriage in California gender-neutral.
Under the headline "Arnold Quits the 'Fag Business," Radar mag's "Fresh Intelligence" column reports: "'Arnold has had a long association with rich gay men,' according to Wendy Leigh, author of Schwarzenegger: An Unauthorized Biography. 'When he moved to England [around the time of his first Mr. Universe title in 1967], John Dixey, a British businessman and well-known aficionado of muscle boys, was very, very kind to Arnold. You have to understand, before Arnold came on the scene, it was common currency that bodybuilders were less than macho - it was absolutely given and accepted that they supported themselves by catering to the tastes of wealthy gay men.'
Schwarzenegger's hypocrisy is outdone, of course, by that of the man who headed his transition team -- his buddy Rep. David Dreier, the closeted gay Republican who voted for the gay-bashing federal Defense of Marriage Act and a raft of other legislative attacks on full equality for gays.

Don'tcha just love this shit? The hypocritical Republican closet must be pretty crowded. Go read. Have some fun. Much dish. Many links.

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