Saturday, October 1, 2005

Learning Curves

Mrs. F and I were talking the other day, just after Hurricane Rita hit, wondering about how FEMA and Homeland Security might drop the ball again. The King of Zembla posted on it last night and it got me thinking again.

The Mrs. theorized that our federal response, hell the local response too, was educational to people who might actually do us harm. Thanks to the 'leadership' in this country, these two natural disasters pointed up the basic fact we are more vunlnerable than ever.

Not only are our borders less secure, but also our response to a terror attack of any magnitude will be slow and disorganized at best. Odds are, it would be inept and clumsy, assuring large collateral damage numbers.

They've learned how to cripple our economy. Screw the World Trade Center, just hit the refineries. The damage done to our energy infrastructure would long term, assuring ever higher gasoline (and home heating) prices. The impact might even trigger a decline of Great Depression-type proportions.

Yes, thanks to the Bush administration's cronyism and ineptitude, they have given 'evildoers' a road map to landing the death blow to our nation. All they had to do is watch TV.

Back to painting . . .

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