Friday, September 16, 2005

Sound like Iraq to you?

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It is impossible to over-emphasize the extent to which this area is under government occupation, and portions of it under government-enforced lockdown. Police cars rule the streets. They (along with Humvees, ambulances, fire apparatus, FEMA trucks and all official-looking SUVs) are generally not stopped at checkpoints and roadblocks. All other vehicles are subject to long lines and snap judgments and must PROVE they have vital business inside the vast roped-off regions here. If we did not have the services of an off-duty law enforcement officer, we could not do our jobs in the course of a work day and get back in time to put together the broadcast and get on the air. As we are about to do. [my emphasis]

It's New Orleans. It's the Chimpy Inc way. Turn everything they touch into a fucked up police state. Brian Williams also has more to say about the 'electrical situation' for the hours around Chimpy's speech. By the way, I like Brian Williams. Seems like he has a bit more character than most of the news-reading weenies.

Hat tip: Shakes

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