Friday, September 16, 2005

They knew

All the denials and bullshit aside, the Chimp and all his cronies knew exactly what could happen when Katrina made landfall. NPR:

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Leo Bosner, an emergency management specialist at FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C., is in charge of the unit that alerts officials of impending crises and manages the response. As early as Friday, Aug. 26, Bosner knew that Katrina could turn into a major emergency.

In daily e-mails -- known as National Situation Updates -- sent to Chertoff, Brown and others in the days before Katrina made landfall in the Gulf Coast, Bosner warned of its growing strength -- and of the particular danger the hurricane posed to New Orleans, much of which lies below sea level.

But Bosner says FEMA failed to organize the massive mobilization of National Guard troops and evacuation buses needed for a quick and effective relief response when Katrina struck. He says he and his colleagues at FEMA's D.C. headquarters were shocked by the lack of response. [my emphases]

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It wasn't that they 'had no idea the levees could break'. Chertoff and the rest knew what could happen and didn't give a shit. Time for some 'Homeland Security' [cough] guys to do some jail time.

Link courtesy of the wonderful Melanie.

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