Thursday, October 27, 2005

Paddle it yerself, Georgie. All yer rats done left...

From News For Real

For three more years America is going to be led by, not just a lame duck President, but a totally discredited President. In a poll taken yesterday 90% percent of those asked said they believed top Bush administration officials are guilty of either illegal or unethical behavior in the CIA leak case.

So where does that leave an un-indicted George W. Bush? There really are only two explanations and neither reflect well on him. First he can claim his closest aides conspired behind his back while he was otherwise occupied. I call that the "Exxon Valdez Defense," -- the captain was not at the helm when a careless crewman ran the ship of state aground. Unfortunately for Captain Bush that defense did not wash for the real captain of the ill-fated tanker. Because, you see, the captain is always responsible.

The other explanation is worse; that the President of the United States knew what was going on, maybe even participated in it.
What went wrong? Where were his handlers?

Busy. They dropped George's leash when handed subpoenas. Junior was unleashed and home alone.

It's a moment new to America, a leader who himself needs to be led, now unled. And the world watching. It's as if the police had come and dragged Edgar Bergen off stage in the middle of a show, leaving Charlie McCarthy, wide-eyed, mouth agape and slumped alone on his stool.

So, what now?

I'm hopin' he fucks up so bad that he'll be removed from office by a crowd of scythe-and-pitchfork-wielding citizens. If we're lucky, they'll be Republican Senators and Congressmen afeared of having to find honest work after November '06. I wish them well in their job search. With no more political power, they'll be lucky to get jobs as Wal-Mart greeters.

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