Thursday, October 27, 2005

A short rope and a long drop'll work...

Go see why Ted Rall feels Bush is unimpeachable.

The more you look, the more you'll find that our Constitution has been subverted to the point of virtual irrelevance. The legislative branch has abdicated its exclusive right to declare war to the president, who was appointed by a federal court that undermined the states' constitutional right to manage and settle election disputes. Individuals' protection against unreasonable searches have been trashed, habeas corpus is a joke, and double jeopardy has become routine as those exonerated by criminal court face second trials in civil court. Our system of checks and balances has collapsed, the victim of a citizenry more interested in entertaining distraction than eternal vigilance.

Where evil men rule, law cannot protect those who sleep.

The law can't protect anybody anyway. All it can do is react after the fact, after the damage is already done. Eternal vigilance is our only shield against this evil government, and even that only sees malfeasance after black hearts have done their dirty deeds. And black hearts abound in this administration.

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