Thursday, November 3, 2005

Don't be like him

Rep. Peter King is an asshole. We all know this, but this is uncalled for.

(Massapequa, Long Island - WABC, November 2, 2005) - Police tonight are trying to determine who tried to set off an explosive device at a small shopping complex in Massapequa, very near Congressman Peter King's headquarters on Park Boulevard in Massapequa Park.

Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett joins us live from the scene.

Police have sealed off part of a parking lot outside this shopping center. What they have found is a partially exploded pipe bomb outside the door of a brokerage firm that is itself next door to the Long Island headquarters of Congressman Peter King.

So far there are no suspects and the motive is still not clear.

[. . .]

If this was meant to send a message it backfired. While King isn't a favorite here on Long Island, a lot of innocent folks could have gotten hurt and assassination is not the way to bring about change. I just hope it wasn't some idiot on our side. The screeching Republican harpies will get a lot mileage out of it.

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